Emma's Blog

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A lot of accidental applesauce you

Emma posted @ Thu, 15 Dec 2016 15:20:55 +0800 in rsgole with tags RSgole Cheap RS Gold , 173 readers

Bank rework suggestion: Redraw.There are times if coffer skilling breadth it would be absolute acceptable if there was a button in the coffer interface which withdraws the aforementioned affair you withdrew endure time. Like a acting preset RSgole. This would be a admired accession for abilities like herblore, for instance.

  I like this idea. It's harder to accept abundant presets and it would be abundant easier for skilling if you didn't accept to overwrite a preset every time.

  I mean, how about are you cardinal presets that this is in actuality a bare feature? If you're authoritative ovls you're abandoned accomplishing it 6 times, 7 for holys/supremes and 8 for absolute salves. It abandoned takes like 4 clicks to override a preset you accept as a committed skilling one. And that's the abandoned affair this would be advantageous for.

  There's a lot of little things that would annual from presets but aren't advantageous abundant to override absolute ones if such an abstraction existed.

  Such as:

  dom belfry – there's a lot of accidental applesauce you allegation to accompany like ice gloves and amalgam armor

  fletching bows (u)

  fletching bows

  runecrafting & runespan


  herb runs

  thieving apparel (always overlook something)

  I abandoned just assets 2 presets for cardinal but if i had the best for acting presets I would go for it.There are 10 preset slots. I'd like to use all 10 evectively.BM, Yaka, Vorago, Vorago (HM), Telos, Rax (ranged), Rax (melee), Farm Run, Nex, Nex (banking)

  Currently I alternating my nex cyberbanking with a ability preset.With this I wouldn't allegation a ability preset and could accumulate the nex cyberbanking one, so it would save me a lot of clicks.

  I assumption with all those bang-up presets I could see the bulk in this change. I abandoned accept Nex, nex bank, telos, affray spider in acceding of PvM presets.

  My added presets are Farming herbs/morchellas/grapevines, Farming trees,Cheap RS Gold 1 misc I use for hunting demon beam mobs if I'm apathetic to aggregate appellation scrolls, and 1 skilling preset for herb/fm/etc.

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Emma said:
Wed, 14 Dec 2022 19:08:20 +0800

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